Pakistan crossed another milestone on Thursday when it successfully launched, with Chinese help, its first communications satellite on board China’s Satellite Launch Vehicle from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in Sichuan province, thus joining those nations who own and operate communications satellites. The satellite called PAKSAT-1R, having a design life of 15 years, will provide TV broadcasting, Internet and data communications services across South and Central Asia, Far East, Eastern Europe and East Africa, besides extending their range to the entire Pakistan. Pakistan feels beholden to China for extending help, without any strings, in yet another coveted field. Pakistani engineers have been closely associated with their Chinese counterparts in the execution of this project to acquire the required expertise. Some of the project’s features developed at SUPERCO were also integrated into PAKSAT-1R.
If the nation can take time off the pressing issues it faces and look at such a positive record of achievements, it would certainly be in a mood to celebrate, on two counts: one for the achievements themselves and the other for having a sincere friend like China, which has stood us in good stead in good times and bad. Listing its assistance would not be so easy, considering not only the different spheres in which it has been extended, but also the lasting benefit the projects executed with its help carry for the progress of the country and its security and defence needs. In every field, the Chinese ungrudgingly offered their know-how to enable us to use it on our own. Would that our rulers grasp the sterling value of strengthening our bonds with Beijing and getting away from the lure of the West!
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